Boundaries in Hampshire Boundaries come in all shapes and sizes, whether they are fences, walls, pieces of wire or just sometimes the edge of land that divides the two. With often being the topic of discussion and heated debate, boundaries have never been so popular in the Hampshire area. Calvert Consulting are here to provide you with boundary support, advice and guidance to ensure that your boundaries are accurate and a true representative of your land.
Legal Basis Unlike some may think, there is no set in stone legality of which boundary you are responsible for. Neither left or right are applicable to one particular instance and in most cases the responsibility of boundaries relies on your relationship with your neighbours.
It is the Title Plan, produced by the Land Registry, that outlines the general position and layout of boundaries at your property or land. These plans are then lodged with the Ordnance Survey, of which Carl has been working with for more than 35 years, and then mapped onto the location accurately.
Boundaries Responsibilities There are no laws in place to force anyone in the repairing of their boundaries, meaning that it is your choice, or your neighbours, to replace and repair damaged boundary materials in Hampshire. As well as being no law in place to repair the fences, walls and other boundary dividers, there is also no legal liabilities to even fence or wall your boundaries.
The general rule of thumb is that fences are not permitted to be taller than 2 metres high, but this differs from location to location in Hampshire depending on planning policies. Working with all deeds and title plans, your boundaries lie within the documentation surrounding the land and in the Seller�s Property Information Forms. Working with Carl at Calvert Consulting ensures reliable results, accurate decisions and the information you are looking for regarding boundaries in Hampshire.
Get in Touch To find out more and to get in touch with Carl, call 02380 864 643 .